Beaverdale Bicycles is a modest community bike shop that specializes in personalized bicycle service and sales.

Beaverdale Bicycles isn't the largest bike shop in town, nor do we want to be. Our "modest" shop size keeps us honest and aware of the task at hand. Servicing and interacting with you, our customers, friends and neighbors.

Oh sure, we need to pay our bills and sustain our own livelihood, but it's not about how many bikes we can sell. It's about our personal obsession for cycling and a desire to share that enthusiasm with others.

ph: 515-274-9626 

General Hours (may have seasonal changes):
Monday-Friday: 10-6
Saturday 10-2

Sunday: Closed

*And yes, we do enjoy riding our bikes or attending events, so from time to time we will close early or shut down for the day. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause but hey, we want to enjoy our bikes too.

Find Us:
2706 Beaver Avenue
Des Moines, Iowa 50310

*Just across the street "West" of Ace Hardware's main entrance at the intersection of Beaver Ave. and Urbandale Ave.

Parking: We do have limited parking in front of our store. Best time to grab those cherry spots is from 10am to 3pm. Street parking is permitted. If you use any other "parking lot", please be courteous and limit it to 10 minutes. If you are going to use the Ace Hardware parking lot, keep your visit to 10 minutes and visit another shop while you are there. There is always a "towing risk" if you use their lot during business hours.